Team Coach Accreditation / Credentialing as part of a CMI Team Coach Training Programme

This is a specifics post about Team Coach Accreditation / Credentialing as part of our training programmes. If you are after a more general post about accreditation / credentialing please visit this post.

So in that context, here is my understanding of the current processes. Any mistakes or mis-understandings  are entirely my own and feel free to write to me at to suggest corrections, clarifications or updates. Links wherever possible are provided so you can find out the details for yourself and explore further.

The Assignment:

CMI routinely provides before the course starts a copy of the assignments alongside the student workbook so that you can be aware in advance of the questions and to also start capturing notes as you go through the training.

All 3 Team Coaching Programmes come with a reflective assignment at the end for you to complete. We ask a series of reflective questions in a Google Form to help you show how and where you have learnt and grown through reflection, and to demonstrates sufficient depth of knowledge and practical experience as measured against the program learning outcomes.

The assignments are assessed by a member of the Faculty (often David himself) and feedback provided back to you. If for some reason, you have not met the minimum assessment criteria, then you will be given an opportunity to resubmit your responses.

We also ask you to complete 2 other short online forms:

Graduation Form – for your details and consent to data sharing with EMCC Global. Completing it does not commit you to joining the EMCC and paying for accreditation (the EMCC will email you later for this) but it does gives you the option to activate it now or anytime in the next 5 years (the lifetime of the award). Applying later on and directly via the EMCC can be very expensive & time consuming so it’s worth doing properly now.

Programme Feedback Form – a key aspect of the EMCC EQA training provider standards is ongoing feedback and continuous improvement so please assist us by completing this short program feedback form.

By using the assignment notes and preparing your answers fully in advance, submission can be completed in under an hour. Submission dates vary by programme but we expect all responses within 12 months of the programme finishing to allow for sufficient application and practice with teams.

Graduation & Accreditation / Credentialing:

All successful graduates will receive:

  • CCMI certificate of graduation (including the CPD hours associated so you can use to claim with other governing bodies or associations and ICF CCE’s for use against your ICF credentialing or renewal process.
  • Automatic recommendation for the EMCC Global Individual Team Coaching Award (ITCA) . Uptake is optional.
  • Automatic recommendation for the EMCC Global European Individual Coach / Mentor Award (EIA). Uptake is optional.
  • Where applicable, an ICF Certificate for the newly launched Advanced Certificate in Team Coaching ACTC award confirming completion of the Educational &/or Supervisory requirements needed for ACTC accreditation. You will still need to apply to the ICF & complete the exam, membership & experience requirements.

The table below shows these CPD & CCE details:

Programme Name Associated EMCC Hours / CPD Hours Associated ICF CCE Hours
Team Coach Foundations 37 hours 20.25 CCE’s
– 10.5 Core Competency (CC)  & 9.75 Resource Development (RD)
Team Coach Practitioner

152 hours

40 CCE’s
– 36.5 CC’s and 3.5 RD’s
Team Coach Senior Practitioner 501 hours 40 CCE’s
– 36.5 CC’s and 3.5 RD’s


EMCC Accreditation:

  • EMCC Global will email you with details of how to activate the awards (one email per award).
  • All EMCC awards are valid for 5 years (from the date of your award).
  • You are not obliged to join the EMCC and activate the accreditation – but you may do so straight away or at any time over the lifetime of the award (5 years) – but doing so will save you around 65% plus around 30-40 hours in paperwork and applications versus applying directly to the EMCC.
    • In order to claim your EMCC ITCA award – Individual Team Coach Award you will need to activate and pay for both your ITCA and EIA as well as be an active EMCC member.
    • As an assured EQA training provider, we issue the EIA automatically with no additional exams, assignments or forms.
    • The Fee table below details the fees for both the ITCA & EIA’s. You do not need to pay for the EIA again if you already hold EIA at the level awarded or above.
    • Membership fees for existing members of EMCC Global vary by country but are typically around €150 a year (for Europe).
    • New members to the EMCC attending our accredited courses benefit from a 25-30% discount – 30% for EMCC Global (€120 vs the standard €150) and 25% for EMCC UK (£82.50 vs the standard £110).  Details of how to claim vary by country but for example this is the EMCC UK page that explains the application process. Follow this link to Join the EMCC Global – select your country or region from the menu (or Global if none exists yet) and you’ll also be automatically becoming a member of EMCC Global.
Programme Level & Award Embedded Discounted EQA Rate Direct Application Rate  
Foundation level
Individual Team Coach award (ITCA)
European Individual Award (EIA)
Practitioner level
Individual Team Coach award (ITCA)
European Individual Award (EIA)
Senior Practitioner level
Individual Team Coach award (ITCA)
European Individual Award (EIA)

ICF ACTC Credentials: 

The ICF published its Team Coaching Competencies back in early 2022 and have recently (early 2023) launched its Advanced Certification in Team Coaching award (ACTC).  CCMI expects our programs to meet the key provisions required for Educational hours and or Supervision requirements.

The Eligibility Requirements for ICF at Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC) level are as below. In total there are 5 eligibility criteria:

Covered within our Programmes (subject to programme):

    • Complete 60+ hours of team coaching education
    • Complete at least five (5) hours of coaching supervision

To be arranged separately by the coach:

    • Coached 5 or more teams over the last 5 years
    • Hold an active ICF Credential at the Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC) or Master Certified Coach (MCC) level
    • Achieve a passing score on the ICF Team Coaching Certification Exam.

I hope you have fond this information useful & informative overall, and in helping with any decisions about joining our Team Coaching training programme.

If you spot any mistakes or have any questions, please feel free to write to me at

Copyright 2023 – Simon Clutterbuck

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